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Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 5-6

BarnElf reports that Dennis will be moving the platform closer and closer so the owlets will use it as they learn to fly. BarnElf had Mission Control duty as Dennis was away tonight, thanks BarnElf!

7:56 Ricky arrives, Fat mouse to Spanky, goes down the hatch
*** BarnElf notes Lucy used the new perch !
8:14 Fast Delivery by Ricky or Lucy, to Darla
8:23 Lucy returns with no treat , gets nibbled by owlets
8:27 Lucy returns with another mouse
9:01 BarnElf notes Lucy is back with mouse
9:36 BarnElf notes hearing a parent screeching
10:02 Delivery, Big Treat ! Rat or gopher
12:22, 12:28 and 1:00 three deliveries
3:36 am Lucy with treat, appears to be Rat!

Three delivery screenshots by Owlfinn!
Owlfred Hitchcock! Screenshot by BarnElf!

Bits and Pieces across the Boxes !

Welcome: Spanky on Feb 23 10:20 pm and Darla 2/28 12:58 pm and Alfalfa, March 3rd 6:04 am !!! March 25- Lucys first day out of the box*!